Ratched is a psychological thriller series created by Evan Romansky and developed by Ryan Murphy. The series features Sarah Paulson in the titular role of Nurse Mildred Ratched, a character who originated from the 1962 novel and the 1975 movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The series revolves around the life of Nurse Mildred prior to the events of the movie, as she works at a psychiatric hospital in California and encounters various patients, doctors, and secrets.
The first season of Ratched was released on Netflix on September 18, 2020, and received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. The series also earned four Primetime Emmy nominations and was watched by 48 million people in its first four weeks of release, according to Netflix. The series was initially ordered for two seasons, with 18 episodes in total. However, the production and release date of the second season have been uncertain due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Ryan Murphy’s departure from Netflix.
When will Ratched Season 2 be released?
As of 2024, the production for Ratched Season 2 has not started yet. Given the packed schedules of the cast and Ryan Murphy’s involvement in multiple projects, the earliest speculated release could be in 2025 or perhaps even later. In June 2023, it was announced that producer Ryan Murphy would be leaving Netflix for Disney, which raised some concerns about the future of his shows on the streaming service. However, lead star Sarah Paulson assured fans in August 2022 that she doesn’t know if Ratched Season 2 will happen, but she hopes it will.
If production does get the go-ahead in early 2024, then the safest bet for Season 2’s premiere could be sometime in 2025 at the earliest. The first season of Ratched had eight episodes, but it is expected that the second season will have ten, as per the original order.
Who will be in the cast of Ratched Season 2?
Although a good chunk of the cast died in Season 1, such as Sharon Stone’s Lenore Osgood, Alice Englert’s Dolly, and Charlie Carver’s Huck Finnigan, most of the cast members are expected to return in Season 2. Sarah Paulson will reprise her role as Nurse Mildred Ratched, along with Finn Wittrock as Edmund Tolleson, Cynthia Nixon as Gwendolyn Briggs, Jon Jon Briones as Dr. Richard Hanover, Judy Davis as Nurse Betsy Bucket, and Sophie Okonedo as Charlotte Wells.
There is also a possibility that some new faces will join the cast, as Ryan Murphy is known for collaborating with different actors in his projects. For instance, Murphy hinted that he would love to work with Meryl Streep and Glenn Close in the future, and some fans have suggested that they could play Nurse Ratched’s mother or sister.
What will be the plot of Ratched Season 2?
The first season of Ratched ended with a cliffhanger, as Nurse Ratched and Gwendolyn fled to Mexico, while Edmund escaped from prison and vowed to kill his sister. The second season will likely pick up from where the first season left off, and explore the consequences of the characters’ actions and decisions.
According to Ryan Murphy, the second season will be set in 1950, and will feature a “big showdown” between Nurse Ratched and Edmund. He also revealed that the second season will delve deeper into the origins of Nurse Ratched, and how she became the cold and cruel nurse that we see in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. He said, “We’re going to see how Ratched became a victim of the system of her own making. And I think that’s really interesting to see that journey and to see what that means for her emotionally.”
Ratched Season 2 is still a mystery, as there is no official confirmation or announcement about its production or release date. Fans of the series will have to wait patiently for any updates from Netflix or Ryan Murphy, and hope that the second season will live up to the expectations of the first one. Ratched Season 2 is poised to highlight the lead character’s path to darkness, and how she became one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history.