My Dearest is a historical romance drama that follows the lives and loves of four young people during the turbulent Joseon era, when the country faced the invasion of the Qing dynasty. The show stars Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo, and Lee Da In as the main leads, who form a complicated love triangle (or square) that spans over a decade. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Hwang Jin Young, who also wrote the screenplay.
The show was divided into two parts, with the first part airing from August 4 to September 2, 2023, and the second part airing from October 13 to November 18, 2023, on MBC. The show received critical acclaim and high ratings, becoming one of the most popular and successful dramas of 2023. The show also won several awards, including the Grand Prize for Namkoong Min at the MBC Drama Awards.
The show ended with a satisfying and emotional finale, but fans are still wondering if there will be a third season of My Dearest. Here is everything you need to know about the show’s future.
Is My Dearest renewed for season 3?
As of now, MBC has not officially renewed or canceled My Dearest for season 3. However, it seems very unlikely that the show will get another season, for several reasons.
First, the show was originally planned and produced as a two-part series, meaning it was intended to have a complete story arc and conclusion. In fact, the show’s writer Hwang Jin Young said in an interview with ThePopTimes that he wanted to tell a “grand and epic” story that would span over 10 years and 20 episodes.
Second, the show’s story wrapped up nicely in the second season, leaving no loose ends or cliffhangers. The show’s finale showed the happy endings of the main characters, who finally overcame their obstacles and found their true love. The show also resolved the historical conflicts and events that shaped the characters’ lives, such as the Qing invasion, the Sarim scholars’ rebellion, and the King Injo’s surrender.
Third, the show’s cast and crew have moved on to other projects, indicating that they have no plans to return for a third season. Namkoong Min is currently filming for his upcoming movie The Witch 2, while Ahn Eun Jin is starring in the new drama The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract, which will take over the time slot of My Dearest. Lee Hak Joo and Lee Da In are also busy with their respective careers, and have not expressed any interest in reprising their roles.
When could My Dearest season 3 release?
If, by some miracle, MBC decides to renew My Dearest for season 3, it would probably take at least a year or more for the new episodes to be released. The show took a long time to produce, due to its high-quality production values, historical accuracy, and complex storyline. The show also faced some delays and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the filming industry.
Based on this, the earliest possible release date for My Dearest season 3 would be sometime in late 2024 or early 2025. However, this is just a speculation, and there is no guarantee that the show will get another season at all.
Who could return for My Dearest season 3?
If My Dearest gets a third season, the main cast would likely return, especially Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo, and Lee Da In, who play the four main leads. These include:
- Lee Jang Hyun, a mysterious and cold-hearted man who falls in love with Yoo Gil Chae, and becomes a hero who saves Joseon from the Qing invasion.
- Yoo Gil Chae, a noble and lovely woman who loves Nam Yeon Joon, but later realizes her true feelings for Lee Jang Hyun, and becomes a strong and independent woman who supports him.
- Nam Yeon Joon, a Sungkyunkwan scholar who is engaged to Kyung Eun Ae, but has a secret crush on Yoo Gil Chae, and becomes a loyal and brave friend who helps Lee Jang Hyun.
- Kyung Eun Ae, a noble and kind woman who is engaged to Nam Yeon Joon, but later falls in love with Lee Jang Hyun’s brother, Lee Jang Soo, and becomes a compassionate and wise woman who helps the people.
Other cast members who could return are:
- Lee Chung Ah as Gak Hwa, a bounty hunter who works with Lee Jang Hyun and has a crush on him.
- So Yoo Jin as Royal Concubine Jo, the king’s favorite concubine who has a secret past with Lee Jang Hyun and tries to protect him from the palace intrigues.
- Kim Tae Hoon as Choi Myung Gil, a court official who is loyal to the king and opposes the Qing invasion.
- Kwon Tae Won as Premier Kim Ryu, a court official who is corrupt and greedy and collaborates with the Qing invaders.
- Kim In Kwon as Crown Prince So Hyun, the king’s eldest son who is taken hostage by the Qing invaders and tries to escape.
What could My Dearest season 3 be about?
My Dearest season 3 could explore the aftermath of the Qing invasion and the impact it had on the characters and the country. The season could show how Lee Jang Hyun and Yoo Gil Chae live happily together, while facing new challenges and enemies. The season could also show how Nam Yeon Joon and Kyung Eun Ae find their own happiness, while supporting their friends. The season could also focus on the new generation of characters, such as Lee Jang Hyun and Yoo Gil Chae’s children, and how they inherit their parents’ legacy and spirit.
Alternatively, the show could take a different direction and introduce a new story and characters, while still keeping the theme of historical romance and drama. The show could also explore other historical periods and events, such as the Japanese invasion, the Manchu war, or the Enlightenment era, and feature new actors and actresses.
Is there a trailer for My Dearest season 3?
No, there is no trailer for My Dearest season 3, as the show has not been renewed or confirmed for a third season. However, you can watch the trailer for the second season here, which shows the highlights and previews of the episodes that aired from October to November 2023.
My Dearest is a historical romance drama that follows the lives and loves of four young people during the turbulent Joseon era, when the country faced the invasion of the Qing dynasty. The show stars Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo, and Lee Da In as the main leads, who form a complicated love triangle (or square) that spans over a decade. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Hwang Jin Young, who also wrote the screenplay.
The show was divided into two parts, with the first part airing from August to September 2023, and the second part airing from October to November 2023, on MBC. The show received critical acclaim and high ratings, becoming one of the most popular and successful dramas of 2023. The show also won several awards, including the Grand Prize for Namkoong Min at the MBC Drama Awards.
The show ended with a satisfying and emotional finale, but fans are still wondering if there will be a third season of My Dearest. The show has not been renewed or confirmed for a third season, and it seems very unlikely that it will get another season, due to its complete story arc, conclusive ending, and busy cast and crew. If the show does get a third season, it would probably be released in late 2024 or early 2025, and feature the same cast and characters, or a new story and period.
My Dearest is a show that offers a grand and epic story of love, war, and history, and showcases the talent and chemistry of its cast and crew. Whether it will return for a third season or not, it is a show that fans of historical romance and drama can enjoy and appreciate.