Good Morning, Verônica is a Brazilian thriller series created by Raphael Montes and Ilana Casoy, based on their novel of the same name. The show follows Verônica Torres, a police clerk who works at the Homicide Police Station in São Paulo, as she investigates crimes involving violence against women, corruption, and organized crime. The show is produced by Zola Filmes for Netflix and is part of a larger franchise that includes the spin-off Good Morning, Verônica: The Final Hunt.
Good Morning, Verônica has been renewed for a third and final season, along with its spin-off, by Netflix in March 2023. However, due to the ongoing writers and actors strikes in Hollywood, the production and premiere of the new season have been delayed. Here is everything you need to know about Good Morning, Verônica Season 3, including its release date, cast, storylines, and more.
Release Date
Good Morning, Verônica Season 3 is scheduled to premiere on Monday, February 14, 2024 on Netflix, worldwide. The show was originally planned to air in the fall of 2023, but was pushed back to the midseason due to the labor disputes affecting the entertainment industry. The strikes have also affected the number of episodes that will be produced for the third season, which is yet to be confirmed.
The main cast of Good Morning, Verônica is expected to return for the third season, with some changes announced so far. The cast includes:
- Tainá Müller as Verônica Torres, a police clerk and a former journalist who works at the Homicide Police Station in São Paulo.
- Rodrigo Santoro as Jerônimo, a millionaire stud farmer and a new character who meets Verônica in a small town.
- Maitê Proença as Diana, a beautiful and mysterious woman who is Jerônimo’s mother and who conceals secrets about the town’s macabre past.
- Reynaldo Gianecchini as Brandão, a serial killer and rapist who is Verônica’s main enemy.
- Klara Castanho as Janete, Verônica’s daughter who is kidnapped by Brandão.
- Heida Reed, who plays Wilson Carvalho, a police officer and Verônica’s husband, is leaving the series early in the third season.
Good Morning, Verônica Season 3 will continue to follow the cases of Verônica, as she deals with various threats and crimes, such as domestic violence, human trafficking, child abuse, and more. The show is known for basing some of its episodes on real-life events and headlines, which could inspire some of the storylines for the new season.
The third season will also explore the personal lives and relationships of the characters, which are often affected by their demanding and dangerous jobs. Some of the potential arcs for the third season are:
- Verônica’s search for Doúm, the third brother of the criminal operation that involves Brandão and Matias, who is the mastermind behind everything.
- Verônica’s investigation of the orphanage where Brandão and Matias grew up, which leads her to a small town where she meets Jerônimo and Diana, who have a dark connection to the place.
- Verônica’s family crisis, as she tries to rescue her daughter Janete from Brandão, who holds her hostage, and deal with her husband Wilson’s departure.
- Verônica’s confrontation with Brandão, who is obsessed with her and wants to make her his final victim.
- Verônica’s professional challenges, as she faces corruption, bureaucracy, and sexism within the police force.
Good Morning, Verônica Season 3 is one of the most anticipated shows of 2024, as it promises to deliver more thrilling and compelling stories and characters. The show has a loyal fan base and a strong ratings performance, making it one of Netflix’s flagship dramas.
Good Morning, Verônica Season 3 will also crossover with its spin-off, Good Morning, Verônica: The Final Hunt, creating a unified and expansive Verônica universe. Good Morning, Verônica Season 3 will premiere on Monday, February 14, 2024 on Netflix. You can catch up on the previous seasons of Good Morning, Verônica on Netflix.