AlRawabi School for Girls is a Jordanian teen drama series created by Tima Shomali and Shirin Kamal, based on their novel of the same name. The show follows Verônica Torres, a police clerk who works at the Homicide Police Station in São Paulo, as she investigates crimes involving violence against women, corruption, and organized crime. The show is produced by Zola Filmes for Netflix and is part of a larger franchise that includes the spin-off Good Morning, Verônica: The Final Hunt.
AlRawabi School for Girls has been renewed for a second season, along with its spin-off, by Netflix in March 2023. However, due to the ongoing writers and actors strikes in Hollywood, the production and premiere of the new season have been delayed. Here is everything you need to know about AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2, including its release date, cast, storylines, and more.
Release Date
AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 is scheduled to premiere on Monday, February 15, 2024 on Netflix, worldwide. The show was originally planned to air in the fall of 2023, but was pushed back to the midseason due to the labor disputes affecting the entertainment industry. The strikes have also affected the number of episodes that will be produced for the second season, which is yet to be confirmed.
The main cast of AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 consists of new and returning actors who play the students and staff of the school. The cast includes:
- Noor Taher as Layan, a shy and smart girl who is bullied by her classmates and seeks revenge.
- Andria Tayeh as Mariam, a popular and wealthy girl who is the leader of the bullies and Layan’s main rival.
- Salsabiela A. as Roqayya, a rebellious and outspoken girl who is Mariam’s best friend and partner in crime.
- Rakeen Saad as Noaf, a kind and loyal girl who is Layan’s best friend and supporter.
- Yara Mustafa as Dina, a sweet and naive girl who is Layan’s other friend and crush.
- Joanna Arida as Rania, a new girl who joins the school and becomes Layan’s ally.
- Nadeem Rimawi as Mr. Omar, the school principal who is strict and corrupt.
- Rania Ismail as Ms. Noura, the school counselor who is kind and supportive.
AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 will continue to follow the lives of the girls at the school, as they deal with various issues such as bullying, friendship, romance, family, and identity. The show is known for basing some of its episodes on real-life events and headlines, which could inspire some of the storylines for the new season.
The second season will also explore the consequences of the actions and decisions of the characters, which are often influenced by their emotions and circumstances. Some of the potential arcs for the second season are:
- Layan’s revenge plan, which involves exposing the secrets and scandals of Mariam and her friends, and how it affects her and others.
- Mariam’s downfall, which involves losing her popularity, power, and reputation, and how she copes with it.
- Roqayya’s transformation, which involves discovering her true self and breaking free from Mariam’s influence.
- Noaf’s dilemma, which involves choosing between her friendship with Layan and her love for Dina.
- Dina’s awakening, which involves realizing her feelings for Noaf and coming out as a lesbian.
- Rania’s mission, which involves helping Layan and uncovering the truth behind the school’s corruption.
- Mr. Omar’s scheme, which involves exploiting the school’s resources and students for his own benefit.
- Ms. Noura’s challenge, which involves protecting and guiding the students and staff from Mr. Omar’s threats.
AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 is one of the most anticipated shows of 2024, as it promises to deliver more drama, suspense, and emotion. The show has a loyal fan base and a strong ratings performance, making it one of Netflix’s flagship dramas.
AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 will also feature some crossover moments with its spin-off, Good Morning, Verônica: The Final Hunt, creating a unified and expansive AlRawabi universe. AlRawabi School for Girls Season 2 will premiere on Monday, February 15, 2024 on Netflix. You can catch up on the first season of AlRawabi School for Girls on Netflix.